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The United Kingdom is a unique country that consists of four nations off the northwest coast of Europe – England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. With canyons, mountains, river valleys, deep, stunning lakes, and spectacular beaches in addition to its industrial heritage and stately mansions, castles, and cathedrals, the United Kingdom is a deeply etched coastline with everything you dreamed to find. These are some of its world’s outstanding natural wonders. Additionally, every city has a distinct history, landmarks, and leisure and accommodation, as well as world-class healthcare and educational institutions.

  • Capital : London
  • Official Language : English
  • Population : 67.22 million
  • Total Area : 248,532 km2
  • Nearest country: France
  • AGDP : 2.708 trillion USD (2020)
  • Currency : Pound Sterling
  • Exchange Rate : 1 USD = 0.84 GBP
  • Per Capita : USD $47,334 (2021)
  • Visa Free: 187+

Why choose UK?

Being a British Citizen mean you benefitfrom all the best things:

  • Multicultural society superior standard of education, economic and cultural hub.
  • Powerful passport - Visa-Waiver to 187+ countries
  • Free movement - live, work and study
  • Free medical coverage
  • Non-discrimination
  • Free education
  • Voting and being candidate rights

Residency Program


  • At least 18 years old
  • Valid passport
  • 6 months stay a year
  • Management experience required
  • Starting from GBP 50,000

Representative of an overseas business::

  • Sole Representative is for overseas nationals wanting to work in the UK for their company or expand their business into the UK.
  • This visa allows you to live and work in the UK for three years, and to bring your dependents to the UK where they can work without restriction.
  • The Sole Representative visa offers any overseas company to set up a branch of their parents company in the UK.

Who can apply?

  • Minority shareholder (not holding more than 50% shares)
  • Owner or Senior Employee
  • Not be a majority shareholder (less than 30% of shares) in that overseas business OR be recruited and employed outside the UK by the company they intend to represent in the UK (be a senior employee - director of the overseas company)
  • Meet the required standard in English language with at least CEFR level A1 in speaking and listening (IELTS Band 4)
  • Provide evidence that they can maintain and accommodate themselves and any dependents adequately without recourse to public funds
  • Intend to work full-time for the organization in the UK
  • Not intend to take any other employment in the UK
  • Have full authority to take operational decisions on behalf of the overseas business for the purpose of representing it in the UK
  • Dependent children age under 18 years
  • Tuberculosis test results

The Sole Representative visa offers many benefits, some of which are:

  • Sole Representative can apply for a two-year visa extension, if they operate successfully during the initial 3 years of their stay
  • After five years, applicants can be eligible to apply for permanent residency (ILR)
  • After six years, applicants can be eligible to apply for a British citizenship

Innovator Visa :

To qualify for the program, applicants present an original business idea to the endorsing body with proof of GBP 50,000 minimum investment fund.

With an Innovator Visa, you may establish multiple businesses, unlike the start-up visa which only permits you to one. With this visa, you are also allowed to bring family members as dependents.

Procedures & duration:

In the very first stage, you must decide where you want to live in Canada. After applying for your desired province they will review your application on the basis of their immigration needs. After a province or territory nominates you, you must apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for permanent residence for assessment of your application based on the Canadian immigration law.