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St. Lucia

St. Lucia lies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique. A volcanic island mostly covered in rainforest, it is famous for its twin peaks — the Pitons — and its magical beaches. St. Lucia is a member of the Commonwealth and CARICOM and has excellent air links to Europe and North America.

Country Information

The island nation of St. Lucia attracts foreign business and investment, especially in its international banking and tourism industries.

  • Population : 166,400
  • Languages : English, French Creole
  • Economy : Tourism-based
  • Currency : Eastern Caribbean dollar

An Introduction to St. Lucia

St. Lucia is an independent Commonwealth country, having gained independence from the UK on 22 February 1979, a day celebrated each year with a public holiday. The country’s history has been influenced by the native Carib people, Africans, the British, and the French.

It is one of the Windward Islands and more mountainous than most Caribbean islands, with the highest point being Mount Gimie at 950 m above sea level. Two other mountains, the Pitons, form the island’s most famous landmark. The natural beauty of the island makes it a popular tourist destination, with attractions including the rain forest, national parks, botanical gardens, a world heritage site, gorgeous Caribbean beaches, and even a drive-in volcano. English is the official language of St. Lucia; however, locals also speak French Creole.

St. Lucia is a member of the United Nations, CARICOM, OECS, and the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union. Its regional currency (Eastern Caribbean dollar, XCD) has been pegged to the USA dollar at a rate of 2.70 since 1976.
The island nation attracts foreign business and investment, especially in its international banking and tourism industries. Tourism is St. Lucia’s main source of employment, foreign exchange earnings, and income, accounting for 65% of jobs and income and 65% of its GDP. Its manufacturing sector is the most diverse in the Eastern Caribbean area. Crops such as bananas, mangos, and avocados are grown for export.

St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment

The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program requires applicants to make a significant economic contribution to the country. In exchange, and subject to a stringent application process and due diligence checks, the applicants and their families are granted full citizenship. The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program is regulated by the Citizenship by Investment Act No. 14 of 2015.

Benefits of the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program

  • A St. Lucian passport provides visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 147 destinations including Europe’s Schengen Area, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, and many others.
  • No residence or visitation is required.
  • Applicants are able to include a spouse, children under 31, siblings under 18, and parents aged 56 and over, as well as to add dependents after they have been granted citizenship.
  • The program has attractive investment and processing costs.
  • St. Lucia recognizes dual citizenship.

Requirements of St. Lucian citizenship by investment

The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program is regulated by the Citizenship by Investment Act No. 14 of 2015. § 33 of this act established the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund (NEF), which receives the qualifying investments of donations from the program. These funds will be used by the government under the national development agenda.

The program requires applicants to make a significant economic contribution to the country. In exchange, and subject to a stringent application process and due diligence checks, the applicants and their families are granted full citizenship. The main applicant must be at least 18 years of age to qualify, meet the application requirements, and select one of the following investment options:

  1. An investment in an approved real estate development with a minimum value of USD 300,000, which must be held for a minimum period of five years. Additional costs may also be incurred depending on the real estate developer.
  2. An investment in an approved enterprise project (as set out in the regulations) with a minimum investment of USD 3.5 million, plus the creation of no less than three permanent jobs. Alternatively, a joint contribution of USD 6 million (with each applicant contributing a minimum of USD 1 million), plus the creation of no fewer than six permanent jobs.

    For the above two options, the following government administration fees will also apply:

    • Main applicant — USD 30,000
    • Main applicant with spouse — USD 45,000
    • Each dependent aged 18 and over — USD 10,000
    • Each dependent 17 and older — USD 5,000
    • Each subsequent family member after sixth — USD 10,000
  3. A non-refundable contribution to the NEF of USD 100,000 (for a single applicant). An applicant may make the contribution under one of the four following categories:

    For the above two options, the following government administration fees will also apply:

    • Main applicant — USD 100,000
    • Main applicant with spouse — USD 140,000
    • Main applicant, spouse, and up to two other qualifying dependents — USD 150,000
    • Each additional qualifying dependent applying with the main applicant, spouse, and two other qualifying dependents — USD 15,000
    • Each additional qualifying dependent — USD 25,000
  4. Investment in non-interest-bearing government bonds, which must be held for five years:

    1. Under regulation 12(1) of the Citizenship by Investment Regulations, Cap. 1.20
      • Main applicant — USD 500,000
      • Main applicant and spouse — USD 535,000
      • Main applicant, spouse, and up to two other qualifying dependents — USD 550,000
      • Each additional qualifying dependent of any age — USD 25,000
      • Government administration fee — USD 50,000
    2. Under the Covid-19 Relief Bond, available for a limited period until 31 December 2022
      • Main applicant — USD 250,000 (bond holding period is five years)
      • Main applicant applying with one qualifying dependent — USD 250,000 (bond holding period is six years)
      • Main applicant applying with up to four qualifying dependents — USD 250,000 (bond holding period is seven years)
      • Main applicant applying with up to four qualifying dependents — USD 300,000 (bond holding period is five years)
      • Each subsequent qualifying dependent — USD 15,000
      • Government administrative fee — USD 30,000

    Already approved citizens may add dependents within five years of their application being approved. A donation of USD 35,000 applies to spouses, while a donation of USD 25,000 applies to each additional qualifying dependent of any age. In addition, there is a USD 5,000 due diligence fee for each qualifying dependent aged 16 and older. The government processing fee is USD 1,000 for each qualifying dependent.

    All qualifying dependents must have a clean personal background with no criminal record and not be under any criminal investigation (other than in respect of a minor offense). A person that is deemed a potential security risk or who is or has been involved in any activity that is likely to bring disrepute to St. Lucia shall not be approved for citizenship.

Procedures and time frame of the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program

The application process should take no longer than four months from submission of the application to issuance of the certificate of citizenship, assuming there are no areas of concern with the application. Where, in exceptional cases, it is expected that the processing time will be longer than three months, Henley & Partners will inform the applicant of the reason for the anticipated delay.

The Citizenship by Investment Board, which provides oversight to a dedicated citizenship by investment unit (CIU), will consider an application for citizenship and its outcome may be to either grant, deny, or delay for cause. A citizenship by investment application will be submitted in electronic and printed form by Henley & Partners on behalf of the applicant. All applications must be completed in English.

All requisite supporting documents must be attached to an application before it can be processed by the CIU. All applications must be accompanied by the relevant nonrefundable processing and due diligence fees for the principal applicant, their spouse, and each qualifying dependent. Where an application has been approved in principle, the CIU will notify Henley & Partners that the qualifying funds and requisite government administration fees must be paid before the certificate of citizenship can be granted.

The main applicant must remit the required funds for the qualifying option within 90 calendar days after notice of approval of their application. A successful applicant shall sign the oath or affirmation of allegiance before an attorney-at-law, notary royal, or notary public. The minister may, by order, revoke a grant of citizenship in exceptional circumstances as may be deemed necessary.